Makes you wonder where they're going.

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

And so falls the rain

And so falls the spring-time rain annointing the young couple making they're way back from an evening at the local bar with its purity. I hear them coming from half a block away- she squealing as the cool droplets and gentle breeze bring chill to her. I'm looking down at them from my studio apartment. The thought comes briefly to my mind to yell out to him, "Grab her and hug her; share this moment with her. Feel the rivulets now cascading gently across your faces. Kiss and create a perfect moment that will last forever exactly in the time and place that it occurred, " A slight forlorn smile comes to my face as I remember my own kiss in the rain; and what a moment it was still perfect in my memory as if it were yesterday. The funny thing about memories you see is that while you cant go back there no-one can ever take those times away from you either. They exist forever exactly when and where they occurred. Somewhat akin to the way the tiny droplets of rain find they're path to the sea so also the memories make they're way through the cracks and gullies of your psyche into the unfathomable sea which is your sub-conscience.